
Writing Coaching

Writing Coaching

The Writer's Journey

Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary writing endeavour? With the Platinum Programme, I am here to guide you in crafting a book that …
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The Writer's Journey Program

What Do I Get With the Program?

We will turn your great ideas into reality. 

Instead of just talking about your project, you will go straight to action.

Sustainable writing will replace chaos, confusion, uncertainty.

Instead of procrastinating and feeling guilty about not writing, you will start writing regularly with a clear goal in mind.

The joy and fulfillment of a great work will replace the feeling of shame that you are not following through.

You will no longer need to compare yourself to others and worry about who is better. You will write and create with enthusiasm and ease.

You will gain self-confidence, fulfillment and a great sense of self.

The fear of promotion that we are not good enough, that our work is not as good as our predecessors' or colleagues', we turn into a desire to write and strive to reach our goal.

Getting stuck again and again will become a thing of the past. Writer's block will no longer be a problem but a challenge that you will work through playfully.

We turn around the saboteurs of perfectionism and self-criticism to your advantage.

You will exchange the lack of supportive people around you for a true partner on your journey to your masterpiece.

We will find your authentic voice and effective way of writing. We will make sure that nothing necessary is left out, and get rid of anything that does not serve you.

The best works are created in teamwork, mutually inspiring cooperation. We will energize, deepen and strengthen your writing and creation. Best part is all authorship will always remain yours alone, of course.

You will receive a sensitive feedback of your work and overall feedback that is useful to you and will develop your text. Criticism kills creation, conscious analysis gives you energy and desire to keep writing and improve it.

You will leave behind a legacy for others, you will bring joy to others from your work.

Active creation brings satisfaction. Once you are writing or creating your own project, your course, your life takes on a new level. You can write to deal with your pain, your trauma, or because you like to give your stories life. Or you want to share with others what you know, your experiences, your journey through life. Joy, fulfilment, satisfaction always come with creation.

What is the Content of the Program?

Each of us is unique and therefore the program will always be adapted directly to your specific needs. These are the basic pillars that we will stick to. It depends only on you whether we will use all of them or just some of them.

  1. PLAN AND APPROACH – why you are writing your book, screenplay or course. Its market position. Your target group. You will get grounded in your intention in creation. We set daily or weekly writing goals. Working with the fears that hold you back and anything else related to writing and creation in your individual case.
  2. WRITER'S BLOCK - working with being stuck, working with 'always' starting, only to abandon everything later. How to move on from the draft when you can't seem to move to start doing your own edits.
  3. PERSONAL PROFILE AND STRATEGY - each of us is unique. We have our strengths and focus that we may not even know about. That's why we'll look directly at your unique profile and discuss the best strategies and topics tailored just for you.
  4. EXCELLENT CONTENT – your writing and creation will get a boost of energy. If you are happy with your draft, but you feel your writing is better in your head than on paper, we will find exactly what you need. We will always turn your writing into a version you are happy with.
  5. WRITING IN FLOW - the dream of all of us, when we write truly with ease, connected to our higher self, from the depth of our heart. You will discover your true joy and genuine enthusiasm that longs to create in ease and happiness.
  6. PROMOTION AND SALES - dislike of self-promotion, sales, marketing, waiting for a miracle - we will transform every unhelpful condition into one which feels good and safe for you. No more chaos and uncertainty, but a precise way of promoting and selling which excites you and you enjoy. 

Kind Words

Let's see your masterpiece

Hello there! I'm Pepa the Coach, and I'm thrilled to connect with you. Are you ready to take the first step towards unleashing your writing genius? Let's join forces and unlock your creative potential together. Fill out the form below, and let's get started on this extraordinary adventure!