Coaching with Therapy


During the next three months, we will focus on the in-depth unblocking and launch of your creation. It is intended for those who are stuck and don't know why. Maybe you've wanted to create for a long time; you have ideas, but the creation still doesn't work. Or you don't trust yourself; you have concerns, fear, and don't want criticism. If you're looking for someone to walk with you on your journey of creativity as your partner and guide, you've come to the right place. We can do it in three!

The uniqueness of the programme lies in the fact that it combines therapeutic and coaching approaches. First, we map out where you are stuck and what you want to achieve. We will proceed with a deep cleaning of all blocks. We will then support the cleaning and start planning and implementing your book, screenplay, or other creative project.

Goal: You reformulate deep blocks, end traumas, and get to know yourself better. We will address what is really bothering you, what you are afraid of, and what has stopped you on your way. You start writing; you write the basis for a smaller book, screenplay, or course. 

  • 3 months
  • 6 x 60 minute meetings for writing and creation
  • 1 x 60-minute therapeutic meeting with personal analysis
  • writer's diary
  • ongoing email support 
  • meeting records

a total of CZK 8,100 | €345, can be divided into 3 instalments


Let's see your masterpiece

Hello there! I'm Pepa the Coach, and I'm thrilled to connect with you. Are you ready to take the first step towards unleashing your writing genius? Let's join forces and unlock your creative potential together. Fill out the form below, and let's get started on this extraordinary adventure!