Coaching with Therapy

The Way of the Phoenix

From pain to knowledge, strength, and love This deeply self-discovery and individual program is suitable as support during a time when you are going through a difficult and fundamental personal transformation. You want to create, but you are dealing with deep traumas, painful changes in life, in our relationships, in work, in ourat andprogrammepersonal health, and in our creativity. You're losing ground, and we don't know what's going on. 

Your partner's life is in crisis. You feel desperate about your job. You fall into panic states. You are looking for fulfilment in life. Life ceases to have meaning. You can't sleep. You feel constant pressure and anger. You are sad, and you don't know why.  

In times like these, we need real, deep comprehensive support. We need to find our fulfillment, get our strength and energy back. We need to not be alone. We need to rise from the ashes like the Phoenix. We will always be with you through this programme. You won't be alone anymore; there will be three of us.

Goal: You will go through difficult trials in your life with your head held high. You will be in your power, with authenticity. You will know that all your obstacles were boulders that did not crush you but became stairs that you stood on, and now you are higher than before. You start writing, write the basis for a smaller book, screenplay, or course, reformulate deep blocks, end traumas, and get to know yourself better. We will build self-worth, self-love, work with emotions, and inner strength. We will meet the inner child; we will work with the victim, the saboteur, and the saviour syndrome.

  • 3-5 months
  • 6 x 120 minutes deep therapy
  • 1 x 120 minute in-depth Akashic reading, star potential, soul manifestation style, energy deficits
  • 2 x 60 minute coaching sessions
  • 1 x 60 minute therapeutic channelling Gabriel 
  • mini channelings if necessary

a total of 26,700 CZK | €1,320, can be divided into 3 instalments


Let's see your masterpiece

Hello there! I'm Pepa the Coach, and I'm thrilled to connect with you. Are you ready to take the first step towards unleashing your writing genius? Let's join forces and unlock your creative potential together. Fill out the form below, and let's get started on this extraordinary adventure!